Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fedora 9 on MacBook improving.

Yes, things are looking better as they always do if you're persistent enough.
One problem I did have though was with flash videos.
In Opera (9.50) the videos played but without sound even though I had installed flash-player 9 a few times. In Forefox (3.0.5) videos wouldn't play at all although i had installed the flashplayer several times.
What got things moving for me was this guide.
Strange that this should work whereas the download and install direct from the Adobe site didn't. Anyway that's what happened.

After getting no useful replies from my post to Fedora Forums on the fact that kept showing up as the primary DNS server, I was forced to edit /etc/resolv.conf and make it immutable.
Distasteful as this is, it did make huge improvements. Browsing speed increased significantly. Not only that but the Fedora Forums page opened readily even in Opera. Prior to this, it really didn't open at all in Opera and only reluctantly in Firefox.
Even so, in the Fedora Forums site, pages still open much more quickly of opened to a new tab.

Still haven't made any progress in getting fusion-icon to work without white-screening. However, by installing emerald and emerald-themes through add/remove software and placing "emerald --replace" as a command in startup sessions, then could get everything I needed from fusion-icon other than the pretty cube in the gnome panel.
Interestingly, putting "emerald --replace" in the command line in Window decoration in ccsm didn't seem to do anything.

So, right now, Fedora 9 is working pretty well.
This is a useful resource to get more things operational in Fedora 9.
Here's another one which is quite a bit simpler. Go through this one first if you need to do both.

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