Monday, November 30, 2009

Mandriva 2010 on the EeePC 901

I've used Mandriva a few times in the past and quite liked it. So when I saw Mandriva 2010 was available I thought I'd try it out.
Only problem is that I don't have any room left on my EeePC 901 (just 20GB of HD space).
Anyway the first step has to be to make a Live USB from which to install the OS.
So, I downloaded Mandriva One 2010 (KDE) on my MacBook. However, at present, there's no Mac version of Unetbootin.
So, I tried Wine which seemed to install without problems. However, the Windows version of Unetbootin which I downloaded wouldn't work although Wine seemed to be trying.
OK, so I booted to Ubuntu on another Desktop machine, downloaded Mandriva 2010 again together with Unetbootin (for Linux this time) and burned the iso to a 2GB usb key.
However, it only went so far in the boot and came up with a massive amount of errors about missing filesystems.
Luckily I came across this blogpost which details how to prepare a Live USB for Mandriva (many versions).
As usual, I departed a little from the procedure as written in the blog, so here's a step-by-step guide to what I did:
1. Use Gparted to reformat a 2GB usb key (Kingston DataTraveler) to Fat32.
2. Download the boot kit for Mandriva 2010 from here to your Desktop. (I did this on the MacBook in OS X)
3. Decompress the .tgz file(in OS X this just requires clicking the file. It's the same in Linux but I have no idea what to do in Windows although it's unlikely to be anything nearly as simple)
4. Copy everything (all files and folders) from the resulting kit_2010 folder to the / directory of the mounted usb key.
5. Download the Mandriva 2010 iso and mount it (I had to do this in Ubuntu on another Desktop using

sudo mount -o loop mandriva-linux-one-2010.0-KDE4-europe1-americas-cdrom-i586.iso /media/isomount/

6. From the mounted iso (in /media/isomount), I was able to send the file /loopbacks/distrib-lzma.sqfs over to the Mac using woof.
7. Then back on the Mac, I copied the distrib-lzma.sqfs file after downloading it to the /loopback/ directory on the mounted usb key. This took about 15 minutes.
8. Finally, this time on the EeePC 901 in Ubuntu, I used the command
sudo syslinux -f /dev/sdc1

to make the usb key bootable.

And, this time it did indeed boot completely on the EeePC 901.
However, I have yet to explore this OS so this might form a future blog post.

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