Thursday, December 03, 2009

ChromeOS -- function keys

I've written a few posts on ChromeOS and I have to say that I'm amazed at how popular is this very rudimentary browser-only OS which is still in a very early stage of development.
Hits to my blog have increased dramatically because of my ChromeOS posts, despite the fact that my posts themselves are very rudimentary in nature.
Anyway, in an effort to shamelessly exploit this trend, I'm posting here that I've found that the function keys (F1, F2 etc) actually do stuff in ChromeOS on my EeePC 901 although few, if any, are of any great value.
Here's what I've found. Note that all function keys operate on a toggle basis. Hit them again and you're back to where you started:

F1 Opens ChromeOS help
F2 Nothing
F3 Opens a Search box (upper right)
F4 Nothing
F5 Refreshes the webpage
F6 Highlights everything in the browser address bar (same as Ctrl-L in Linux or Cmd-L in OS X)
F7 Nothing
F8 Keyboard viewer including effect of Ctrl, Alt and Shift modifiers
F9 White transparent screen with some kinda code -- hmmm
F10 Nothing
F11 Full screen
F12 Much reduced screen

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