Monday, May 02, 2011

Delete a large number of emails from Haiku's Email system

Yes, this is a very meagre post, actually, it's almost embarrassing. But, it really did cause me some problems and I felt some satisfaction when I finally found the astonishingly easy solution.
I usually use Haiku on my Dell E520 desktop although I also have it on my EeePC.
So, yesterday, when I booted to Haiku on the netbook, I noticed that I had more than 500 unread emails.
Actually, it seems that most, if not all of them, had either been "archived" by mean on another computer or had been filetred by the spam filter.
Basically, I didn't want any of them. So, I tried to delete them by going to the Deskbar, clicking on the mailbox icon and proceeded to delete the unwanted emails.
But, holding down Ctrl (or Alt) did not allow me to select a whole lot, or preferably all of them.
Did that mean that I had to individually and manually delete all 500+ items of this garbage?
Luckily no, although it took me a while to find out how to avoid it.
In the New E-Mail window, click on the Window tab and hit Select All (it's all so obvious now!).
Then once all are highlighted by the Select All command, right-click on the New E-Mail window and hit Move to Trash.
Then breathe a sigh of relief.
BTW, I'm going back to Brazil tomorrow so I don't know for how long this blog will be dormant or what opportunities I'll have when I get there to post to it.
Let's see.

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