I use quite a few notifiers to keep me aware of incoming emails on my Gmail system.
On my Mac, I use Google Notifier in the upper panel as well as the Google Mail Checker and Mail Checker Plus for Google Mail as extensions in Google Chrome.I also have a mail checker in Conky which I use in all my computers running Linux. And this includes my Raspberry Pi's.
(Yes, I know the apostrophe is both unnecessary and grammatically incorrect. However, without it the last term in the plural form of the little computer seems to refer to a bodily effluent).
Great, so I should never miss an incoming email?
Well, not necessarily.
A lot of times I'm working or reading at my desk without a computer which may therefore all be in sleep mode.
As a result, I don't see the Gmail alerts.
Well, the PiGlow add-on board provides a great and very spectacular solution for my RPi.
How to set up the PiGlow is fully explained here.
Next I wrote two bash scripts to provide the LED sequences I wanted for my email alerts.
Here they are:
Text File: new_mail
for i in {1..10}
sudo piglow leg 0 25
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow leg 1 60
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow leg 2 100
sudo piglow off
for j in {1..5}
sudo piglow all 100
sleep 0.25
sudo piglow off
sleep 0.25
Text File: new_mail
for i in {1..10}
for i in {1..10}
sudo piglow ring 1 25
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 2 40
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 3 55
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 4 75
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 5 100
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 4 75
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 3 55
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 2 40
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow ring 1 25
sudo piglow off
for j in {1..5}
sudo piglow leg 0 35
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow leg 1 70
sudo piglow off
sudo piglow leg 2 100
sudo piglow off
To use these scripts, they must be made executable by running the command
$ chmod +x new_mail
They can now be tested by moving to the directory where they are stored and running with the command (I stored them in my ~/Scripts which explains why I'm not using sudo)
$ ./new_mailIf all went well, these scripts may now be used to alert you to incoming emails.
I have referred before to the gmail_parser.py script by Baishampayan Ghose that works perfectly in Conky to update my unread email number.
I also mentioned in the previous post that I had updated this parser script to show the output in a different colour depending on the number of unread mails.
To get conky to alert me through my PiGlow of incoming mail just required me to further modify the gmail_parser.py script.
Below is the "heart" of the parser script that contains the changes:
def readmail(feed, maxlen):
'''Parse the Atom feed and print a summary'''
atom = feedparser.parse(feed)
print '${color2} % s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries))
elif len(atom.entries) == 1:
print '${color3} %s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries))
import subprocess
subprocess.call("/home/paul/Scripts/new_mail", shell=True)
print '${color4} %s new email(s)\n' % (len(atom.entries))
import subprocess
subprocess.call("/home/paul/Scripts/new_mail2", shell=True)
The changes made to gmail_parser.py to enact the gmail alerts on the PiGlow are marked in blue.
And here's what the alert looks like (in a disappointingly unsharp video, but you'll get the idea):
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