Sunday, June 01, 2008

Failed to install vmware-tools in Kurumin VM on MacBook

I used this guide to try to install vmware-tools in Kurumin VM in both Foresight and Sidux on the MacBook.
However, no success at all here.
I tried to install using both the .tar.gz and the .rpm installers but neither worked.
The .tar.gz al least came close but what happened in all of about 4-5 tries was that during the installation when it came to install the libraries in /usr/lib/vmware-tools, the screen just froze every time and nothing more happened.
I have no explanation for this.
I also tried the .rpm installer out of desperation, even though I wasn't using any distros that would handle rpms.
The guide says to double-click on the vmware-tools CD that shows up on the desktop after clicking on VM>Install VMware-tools. This worked fine in that the folder opened showing the tar.gz and rpm files. But double-clicking on the rpm just led to a dialog asking how it should be opened.

Incidentally, VMware-tools won't install in Haiku as it's designated in the Other category rather than something more recognizable like Windows or Linux.

So a totally blank day on the vmware-tools front.

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