Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sidux on the Mac

It's quite a while since I used Sidux which maybe says more about me having too many OSes installed on too many computers than about how useful or exciting is Sidux.
Anyway, as I'm having problems with Foresight on the Mac right now, I decided to go back to Sidux and get it straightened out.
Here's what I did:

1. Add non-free repos
Pick from repo options here.
2. Get wireless working.
This was not as straightforward as it sounds. Just downloading and compiling madwifi didn't do the job for me. Instead I had to do as outlined in the manual which was no more than add the repos to /etc/apt/sources.list and then type this command

m-a a-i madwifi

After that wifi worked fine apart from the fact that I can't get it to launch at startup despite having gone into Control Center>>Internet&Network>>Network Settings and then configuring the ath0 interface under the Network Interfaces tab.
I additionally changed the DNS servers to the OpenDNS servers. However, just shutting down Control Center and pening it up again immediately, sees all of these changes gone back to wat looks like the defaults settings.
3. Install Compiz-Fusion
I used this guide. Additionally I always like to install Fusion-Icon which is available from the repo.
4. Install AWN
I installed from here which basically just suggests this repo.
deb unstable main

However, no applets are installed. To get the applets I did a
apt-cache search awn-extras

which gave me these
awn-applets-c-core - A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator
awn-applets-c-extras - A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator
awn-applets-python-core - A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator
awn-applets-python-extras - A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator
libawn-extras-dev - library for avant-window-navigator's applets - development files
libawn-extras0 - A library for avant-window-navigator's applets
python-awn-extras - Python bindings for avant-window-navigator's applets

I used apt-get to install them all and this gave me a large number of applets. However, a majority of them only had the default (and very ugly) icon. Not sure what's missing here.


  1. Hello!
    I loved the Ouro Preto city!
    The XVIII century buildings have a simple & special charm...
    By the way, I would like to install something sexy on an old iMac 500 MHz... Any up to date idea?
    Thanks a lot by advance & um grande abraço!


  2. Sexy? You need to be a little more specific than that.
    However, if you're talking about changing the OS there are a lot of new Linux distros that will easily tolerate low spec processors and low RAM machines. I tried out quite a few of these and reported in this blog such as Tiny Core Linux, Puppy Linux, Moblin and DSL. You can use the search function on this blog to find my comments and experiences.
