Monday, January 05, 2009

Wordpress now looking good.

Yes, I've managed to get my blog up to close to the standard I want and it wasn't at all difficult.
Indeed, it's basically the same as blogger with very few significant differences.
In any event, today I:

1. Changed my blog theme (My Dashboard>>Appearance>>Themes)
2. Added a photo to the blog header (Appearance>>Themes>>Manage Themes>>Custom Image Header)
3. Added some widgets to the sidebar (Appearance>>Widgets)
4. Added Statcounter

This later gave a few problems as I'll explain. First, you need to add your wordpress blog to the Statcounter My Projects. Then, select the wordpress blog and click on the wrench icon. Now, click on Install Code.
Next, select the type of counter you want, next and then choose as the Blog/Web Page Editor Install Guide. Now a code is produced (indeed, they even email it to you as well) that you need to install. A guide is available on the same page as the code but it's misleading (or at least, it was for me).
Here's what I had to do:

1. Login to and select your blog.
2. My Dashboard(s)>>Appearance>>Widgets>>Text
3. Edit the text box so that its title is Statcounter (or whatever you want) and put the code in the text box.
4. Save changes and re-open your blog. Notice anything different in the sidebar?

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